Antiques & Craft Fair
Mullabrack Parish Hall (Near Gosford Forest Park) Saturday 2nd November 2019 From 10:30am to 3:00pm. Morning Coffees, Soup Lunches, Afternoon Snacks available. All money raised for Missions in Paraguay and…

Donaghey Primary School
Christmas Market! We are really looking forward to attending this. Please come along if you are free x

Countdown to Christmas Craft Fayre
Moyallon Primary School Thursday 21st November 2019 This is always a fantastic evening and we can't wait to display all our lovely stationery and gifts! You will not be disappointed…

Jeannie Graham Coffee & Craft Morning
We are so excited to be attending this event, to support the work of the amazing Jeannie Graham. Jeannie is a very faithful client and we value the importance of…
Please invite us!
If you know of any Craft or Christmas Fayres coming up, please let us know! We have already been to a few and are so excited to show our lovely…
View Our Range……
If you own a shop or boutique and would be interested in seeing our product range, please get in touch. We have a sales rep who would be only too…
Our New Website
We are so pleased to introduce Iron Sharpens Iron! This project has been years in the making and thanks to the hard work and dedication of our wee team, we…