What's Going On

Antiques & Craft Fair
Mullabrack Parish Hall (Near Gosford Forest Park) Saturday 2nd November 2019 From 10:30am to 3:00pm. Morning Coffees, Soup Lunches, Afternoon Snacks available. All money raised

Donaghey Primary School
Christmas Market! We are really looking forward to attending this. Please come along if you are free x

Countdown to Christmas Craft Fayre
Moyallon Primary School Thursday 21st November 2019 This is always a fantastic evening and we can’t wait to display all our lovely stationery and gifts!

Jeannie Graham Coffee & Craft Morning
We are so excited to be attending this event, to support the work of the amazing Jeannie Graham. Jeannie is a very faithful client and

Please invite us!
If you know of any Craft or Christmas Fayres coming up, please let us know! We have already been to a few and are so

View Our Range……
If you own a shop or boutique and would be interested in seeing our product range, please get in touch. We have a sales rep

Our New Website
We are so pleased to introduce Iron Sharpens Iron! This project has been years in the making and thanks to the hard work and dedication